
Until now, it has always seemed mixing paint to get a color you like is a job best left to professionals. However, it only takes some insider knowledge and a bit of practice to do it yourself. Accredited Builders, the most trusted and experienced home improvement and remodeling service in Hobbs, NM, offers some important tips to help you DIY paint mix and get the right color.

Home Improvement Tips: How to Mix Paint & Get a Color You Like

1. Understand the Color Wheel

Home improvement in Hobbs, NMThe first step is to understand the color wheel. When you mix two primary colors, such as yellow and blue, you end up with one of the hues between them, namely various shades of green. Another important thing to understand is colors opposite each other on the wheel are "complementary," which means when combined, they contain all the shades of the spectrum.

2. Assemble the Right Supplies

The next step is to assemble the right supplies. You'll need a mixing tray, a paint stirrer, a screwdriver to open paint cans, some napkins or paper towels to wipe up spills, and paint of the right colors. Choose a hue as close to the target shade as you can, and have white, black, complementary, and any necessary primary colors on hand, as well.

3. Mix to Get the Right Color

Mix primary colors to arrive at a shade that's close to what you want. This is your base. If it is too dark, lighten it by adding a bit of white paint. If it is too light, darken it by adding a splash of black paint. To intensify the shade, add more of the base. To tone down the intensity, add a bit of the complementary color. It should not take long to create the exact color you want for your home improvement project.

Accredited Builders, the premier home remodeling service in Hobbs, NM, has been in business for more than 15 years, so they have the experience and expertise to help you complete any home improvements quickly, successfully, and affordably. Visit their website to request a quote, or call (575) 393-7596 to discuss your options with a friendly, knowledgeable professional.
