
If your motorcycle was recently in an accident, it most likely withstood some damages requiring the help of a professional auto body repair shop. Since 1989, Panorama Collision in East Rochester, NY, has provided quality auto body repair services to motorcyclists throughout the region. This family-owned and -operated business discusses ways a repair shop can fix motorcycle damages following a collision or fender-bender.

3 Ways an Auto Body Repair Shop Can Fix Your Motorcycle

1. Dent Repair

Has your motorcycle received minor or major denting due to an accident or regular wear and tear? A professional auto body repair shop can help by removing unsightly dents using the latest in equipment and techniques. Since a professional mechanic has the tools to gain better access to the damaged areas of your bike, from handles to the kickstand, they can ensure your motorcycle comes out looking and riding like it’s brand new. 

2. Fresh Paint

If your bike has scratches and chips, or even if you just want to change the overall look of your motorcycle, a professional auto body shop can also provide excellent paint services. The best shops rely on a digital paint-matching system to restore your bike’s original color, so it looks brand new.

3. Welding Services

Since motorcycles are lightweight in comparison to cars or SUVs, they will probably undergo some frame damage if you get into a collision. A professional auto body shop specializing in metalwork can help repair or mold your bike’s frame back into its original shape. Additionally, they can also weld, adjust, and fit any new, necessary parts. 

Are you looking for a trusted auto body repair shop to take your motorcycle to for service? Whether you were in an accident or simply require regular maintenance, the friendly professionals at Panorama Collision are available to assist. Give them a call to discuss auto repair estimates at (585) 381-8667, or visit the website for more information about the services offered, including collision repair and loaner cars.
