
Although many people have self-cleaning ovens, they opt not to use this setting because they aren’t sure how it works. The potential to have a regular household chore taken care of for you is inviting, but are there any risks or downsides to this type of technology? To help you determine whether you should use your oven’s self-cleaning mode or opt to deep clean it yourself, the professionals at Hire A Maid in Lincoln, NE, offer the following information.

Understanding the Technology

deep cleanFirst, it’s important to find out the kind of self-cleaning oven you have. These appliances come in two different types: high-temperature self-cleaning and steam. The high-temperature variety cleans your oven by essentially burning off any food residue. This can become quite odorous, and in fact, the fumes can actually be dangerous. The method produces carbon monoxide levels that are high enough to be dangerous for small animals and people alike. As such, if you can, you should avoid using this setting. 

A steam self-cleaning oven, on the other hand, takes less time and creates less of a smell than its high-temperature counterpart. However, this variety still has the potential to create clouds of steam that are hot enough to set off your fire alarm. 

Why You Should Deep Clean the Oven Yourself

Although it may be tempting to leave this chore up to technology, the truth is, a manual deep clean is usually the way to go. Although it is more work, you won’t be faced with any health risks or heat issues. Additionally, self-cleaning settings won’t tend to your appliance nearly as well as doing it by hand. As such, it is recommended you manually work on your oven when you can, using the self-cleaning mode only when it’s absolutely necessary.

If you don’t have the time or patience to deep clean your appliances, Hire A Maid has professional cleaners who know how to properly tend to your oven—and your whole home—inside and out. Visit their website for information on their extensive range of services, and call them today at (402)-560-1904 to schedule an appointment.
