
Ice cream is one of the world’s most beloved desserts. But not all kinds are created equal. Any connoisseur of this frozen delicacy can tell you homemade is significantly better than store-bought. But why? Below are a few reasons why you should choose a homemade ice cream parlor.

4 Benefits of Homemade Ice Cream 

1. Unique Flavors 

With homemade ice cream, the possibilities are endless. Some unique flavors incorporate mango, spiced ginger, earl grey tea, apple, and matcha. None of these are available in most conventional brands. Furthermore, parlors rotate their menu seasonally to always provide fresh new options.

2. All-Natural 

If you’ve ever compared the ingredients lists of store-bought and homemade ice cream, you’ll notice quite a difference. Most off-the-shelf brands contain an extensive list of hard-to-pronounce ingredients that don’t even sound edible. Conventional ice cream may contain many chemical additives, which are used to enhance color and extend shelf-life. Homemade ice cream, on the other hand, contains few or no chemical additives. It is made in small batches, without the need for extra preservatives, and derived from natural ingredients, rather than a chemistry lab. 

ice-cream-honolulu-HI3. Fresh Ingredients

The ingredients in homemade ice cream aren’t just natural; they’re also fresh and locally sourced. Local shops in Hawaii incorporate ingredients you can only find on the islands, like Kona coffee and lehua honey. They also use local produce, such as coconut, strawberries, bananas, and ginger. Fresh ingredients taste better and are more nutritionally dense than those shipped from faraway places. 

4. Superior Craftsmanship 

Homemade ice cream is made by hand with love. Most store-bought products, in contrast, are mass-produced by machines and lack the same personal touch. Making ice cream by hand involves gentle whipping and blending which incorporates the perfect amount of air bubbles to give it its characteristically smooth texture. Some off-the-shelf brands include a significantly higher percentage of air bubbles to sell the product for a higher profit. 


Locals and visitors alike know Butterfly Ice Cream is the place to go for delicious, gourmet treats in Honolulu, HI. In addition to 22 homemade ice cream flavors, they also make mouthwatering sorbets, milkshakes, and waffle cones. If you’re in the area, call (808) 429-4483 for details. Or, visit their website to see their full list of flavors. 
