
As the connecting link between your wheels and your engine, few auto components are more important than the clutch. As the team at Northgate Transmissions in Cincinnati, OH, notes, this part is prone to wear and tear just like any other, meaning it will eventually need to be repaired or replaced. So how can you tell if you need a clutch replacement? A few key signs can indicate that your clutch is worn out.

Watch out for the following signs that could mean it’s time for a clutch replacement:

  • Slippage: Slippage is one of the most common indicators that your clutch needs to be replaced, and is relatively easy to spot if you know what to look for. Clutch slippage reduces power delivery to the wheels, which means your engine speed may change, even without much acceleration. The car may hesitate before accelerating, or there may not be as much power in the engine when towing a heavier load.
  • clutch replacementClutch Pedal Issues: The clutch pedal itself often serves as a sign that clutch replacement may be necessary. Typically, the pedal should allow for at least one to two inches of free movement before disengaging the clutch. Disengaging earlier than this is often a sign that the clutch is only partially engaged at other times.
  • Burning Odors: While a burning smell isn’t always an indicator of a worn clutch, this sign is sometimes associated with a slipping one. Even if your clutch isn’t to blame for a burning odor underneath the hood, you should still get it checked out. Other potential culprits, such as damaged wiring or an oil leak, can also be quite serious.


From clutch replacement services to rebuilt transmissions, the team at Northgate Transmissions will keep your vehicle moving. With more than 30 years of experience, this specialized team of technicians will provide superior transmission service for your vehicle. Visit them online or call (513) 385-4400 to learn more about how they can help you.
