
To someone who’s never done it, the process of installing heating systems may seem intimidating. However, sitting down beforehand with your technician to talk about the steps involved can help you prepare for it. Having a clear line of communication with your installer can manage your expectations and make the job as hassle-free as possible.

4 FAQs About Heating Systems and the Installation Process

1. How Long Does Installation Take?

A simple furnace installation can take between four and 10 hours to complete. What may complicate matters is if you need changes to your home to accommodate the system; in which case, it may take the whole day to finish. Underfloor heating installation, on the other hand, can take a couple of days, since you would have to dismantle and restore the flooring.

2. How Do I Choose the Size?

You’ll need to hire a heating contractor to calculate the load capacity based on your home’s square footage, the R-value of your existing insulation, the number of rooms, its orientation to the sun, the general climate, and the type of flooring you have. Based on these variables, they will use a mathematical formula to determine the right sized heating system for your home.

Heating System3. What Is an AFUE Rating?

The AFUE rating refers to the efficiency of heating systems in converting fuel to heat. A furnace that has an 80% AFUE rating is capable of converting 80% of its fuel to heat. If you live in an area with cold winters, you should invest in a furnace with a 90% AFUE rating for long-term savings on heating costs.

4. Who Will Remove My Old Heating System?

If you have an existing furnace, your technician will remove it before they start installing the new one. The cost of removal should already be included in your bill. The only thing you have to worry about is clearing the pathway to and from the furnace to make the process more efficient.

If you want to learn more about the installation process, get in touch with an experienced heating contractor from Extreme Heating and Air, Inc. by calling (907) 726-1805 or visiting their website. They provide top-notch installation and repair of plumbing and heating systems in Eagle River, AK.
