
If your oral surgeon recommends a root canal to save a damaged tooth, you may wonder if the procedure is uncomfortable. While removing the infected pulp from your tooth sounds invasive and painful, there are a variety of safe methods that make dental surgery more comfortable. The professionals at Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage ease patients’ minds by demonstrating how the intervention will eliminate their toothache and explaining how they make root canal treatments less daunting. 

Your Guide to Managing Pain During a Root Canal


oral surgeon Anchorage AKWhen the blood vessels and nerves in a tooth become infected, a root canal may be necessary to preserve the blood supply and keep the tooth alive. Oral surgeons use local anesthetics to eliminate much of the discomfort during the procedure. Numbing treatments are commonly used, so patients do not feel the drilling or pulp removal stages of the operation. After the root canal is complete, the surgeon will explain how to address soreness and swelling at home. 

Pain Prevention & Relief 

Most oral surgery, including root canals, is accompanied by local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth and eliminate sensation. As a result, patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. When you return home, and the anesthetic wears off, your tooth and gums may feel tender. Oral surgeons often recommend taking an over-the-counter pain medication to reduce pain and inflammation. 

Most patients can resume their routines shortly after the procedure. While some people choose to take rest of the day off after the treatment, most find they can return to their usual activities the next day. If you experience pain that lasts for longer than a few days, report the issue to your doctor. This is a rare occurrence that signals a new infection.

Dental surgery doesn’t have to be scary. Working with an experienced and compassionate professional will make your next procedure a more comfortable experience. To schedule a root canal with a reliable oral surgeon, call Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage at (907) 561-1430. For information about their wisdom teeth removal and sedation dentistry services, visit their website
