
Many of even the most experienced drivers have some gaps in their knowledge when it comes to how a car works, especially the transmission. This isn’t really a problem until the wear and tear of usage catches up to the vehicle and you start seeing problems. According to the folks at Mr. Transmission, greater Cincinnati’s transmission services and auto maintenance leader, an understanding of the fundamentals of this part of the car will help your car run smoothly for years to come.

What does the transmission do? 

It’s the part of the car that changes the gear of the engine, regulating the transfer of energy from the engine to the wheels. If you drive stick, you’re basically in charge of operating the transmission yourself, while automatic vehicles adjust this themselves. Though its function is relatively straight forward, it’s a delicate piece that’s comprised of hundreds of small parts working together. Since its function is so essential to the functioning of the car, proper transmission maintenance is incredibly important.

What should you look out for with the transmission?

  • Transmission Fluid: While this does not need to be changed as often as engine oil, you should monitor its levels, especially if you’ve put on between 25,000 and 100,000 miles since the last servicing.
  • Keep an eye out for leaks: If you’re seeing pools of fluid form when your car is parked, you probably have a problem and need to get it serviced. The sooner the better; a transmission that’s low or out of fluid is likely going to get further damaged.
  • Unusual noises/lack of response: As you’re driving, be mindful of loud bumps, whining, clunking or humming as these noises indicate transmission problems. Naturally, you’ll need work done if your car seems not to respond to moments of acceleration.

If you encounter any issues, or think it’s time for a fluid change, be sure to stop by Mr. Transmission. Find out more about these transmission professionals by checking them out online or calling (513) 769-3111.   
