
You rely on your water heater to provide a steady supply of hot water on demand. However, even with regular maintenance, your unit will eventually need replacing to keep your home’s plumbing running well. The experienced team at Niebuhr Plumbing & Heating in La Crosse, WI, wants to help you understand when it’s time to replace your unit. They share a few ways to tell that your water heater is about to fail.

5 Surefire Signs You Need a New Water Heater

1. Rust

Over time, the metal in your water tank will corrode and rust. This deterioration can interfere with the temperature regulation of your water heater as well as the integrity of the unit. 

2. Cool Water

PlumbingWhen a water heater ages, it becomes less efficient and may stop heating your water altogether. While this may be caused by a buildup of mineral deposits, it could be due to the age of the system. An experienced contractor can tell you if it’s a simple fix or if the system needs to be replaced.

3. Standing Water

As the water in your tank heats up, the metal expands, straining the seams and material. The metal’s frequent expansion and contraction can eventually cause cracks. If you see standing water around the water heater or near the pipes, you may have a leaking tank. 

4. Frequent Repairs

If you schedule constant repairs with your local plumbing service, it’s time to replace your unit. Water heaters in good condition need only annual maintenance, and the more it breaks, the more likely it is that your system will fail again.

5. Discolored Water

The water running through your pipes should always be clear and clean. However, as your water heater ages, you may see discolored liquid pouring from the tap. Sediment and corrosion inside the tank can leach into your hot water supply. While it’s not hazardous, it is a sign your unit needs to be replaced.

If you’re ready to replace your water heater or want a second opinion on your unit’s efficiency, contact the experts at Niebuhr Plumbing & Heating today. Their team will help you with all your water heater maintenance and HVAC repair needs. Visit their website for more information, and call (608) 782-1700 to schedule an appointment.
