
Dry mouth, usually caused by a lack of saliva, can be an uncomfortable condition. If you’re suffering from dry mouth, you should make an appointment with your dentist to discover and treat the cause, because the lack of saliva can eventually lead to tooth decay and even pain. In this article, you’ll learn about the most common causes of dry mouth and how to cope with each of them.

Top 3 Causes of Dry Mouth

1. Medication

Certain medications can have dry mouth as a side effect, including prescriptions used to treat depression, anxiety, or Parkinson’s. If you started experiencing dry mouth after taking a new medication, you should speak with your doctor or dentist about it. They could prescribe something else. In some cases, you may have to continue the medication and live with dry mouth. In this case, chewing gum may help you, as it stimulates the flow of saliva.

2. Smoking & Drinking

dentistSmoking slows down the production of saliva, but as you already know, it can cause several other serious problems, including lung damage and heart disease. Your best bet is to quit smoking altogether to avoid dry mouth. Alcohol consumption can also aggravate the symptoms of dry mouth. If you don’t want to abstain completely to avoid dry mouth, you can alternate each drink with a cup of water. This will help you stay hydrated.

3. Dehydration

Ironically, dehydration is the most common cause of dry mouth. And that’s easily remedied by drinking more water. If you don’t like the taste of water, you should try ice water and add unsweetened flavoring to it. According to the Mayo Clinic, women should aim for a fluid intake of 11.5 cups a day and men need 15.5 cups. About 80% of this fluid intake will come from drinks.


Have you been battling with dry mouth symptoms? Make a dentist appointment with the staff at Four Corners Dental Group today. You can reach the Anchorage, AK, office at (907) 258-3384 or the Wasilla, AK, office at (907) 376-2790. This family dentistry offers affordable dental care. You can learn more about the services available by visiting the website
