
Extra fat underneath the chin (a “double chin,” also known as submental fullness) can give you a heavier or older appearance. For many people, weight loss doesn’t have much effect on fat reduction beneath the chin. Some turn to plastic surgery to improve their appearance, but there’s now an injectable treatment that destroys fat cells, which reduces submental fullness and gives your face a slimmer profile.

Kybella® is the first FDA-approved non-surgical solution with a quick and relatively painless recovery period. The professional team at the Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis in Palm Beach County, FL, are trusted providers of non-invasive facelift procedures, and they offer some information about what you can expect from the Kybella treatment.

What to Expect From Double Chin Treatment With Kybella

How the Kybella Treatment Is Administered

A specialist trained in Kybella will administer small injections of the medication underneath your chin. The number of injections given will be tailored to each patient’s situation and the desired amount of fat reduction. Overall, the process should take about 20 minutes. You may need to return for additional treatment sessions to achieve your expected result, and sessions are spaced at a minimum of one month apart and ideally six to eight weeks in between.

The Recovery Process 

fat reductionIt’s likely that you will feel some soreness after your treatment, but you should be able to resume normal activities immediately. Kybella works by enabling slow fat reduction in the area of the injection, but it also adds collagen in the process, resulting in tightening of the skin. You should see a difference within a few weeks, but more noticeable results may take a few treatments.

Side Effects

Immediate soreness is common, and swelling may linger from two days to three weeks. You might also notice bruising or numbness in your face, which can last for a few weeks. However, contact your doctor if you experience trouble swallowing or facial muscle weakness.

If you’ve been thinking about improving your profile but don’t want to undergo surgery, Kybella double chin treatment might be the solution for you. To learn more about the benefits of Kybella and how the procedure works, schedule a consultation with the team at the Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis by calling (561) 969-1777. You can also visit their website for more information, and find them on Facebook and Twitter.
