
Routine teeth cleanings are an important part of maintaining your oral health. Receiving this dental care service twice a year helps you avoid many problems including painful cavities, gum recession, tooth loss, and even bone loss. If too much time has passed since your last cleaning, consider these reasons to schedule an appointment today.

Prevents Cavities

In addition to brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, drinking plenty of water, and maintaining a balanced diet, professional teeth cleanings are essential for preventing cavities. The dental care service provides a deep clean to remove plaque, a white, acidic film that breaks down tooth enamel.

Improves Breath

dental cleaning Wisconsin Rapids WIIf bacteria accumulates between teeth or along the gumline, your breath will begin to smell. Daily brushing and flossing help eliminate this buildup, but you also need teeth cleanings twice a year to make sure there are no hidden problems contributing to persistent bad breath. 

Reduces the Risk of Gum Disease

Professional teeth cleanings also remove tartar, a calcified form of plaque. Tartar forms under the gums and can only be removed by a dental professional. This part of the cleaning process significantly reduces your chances of developing gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease causes the tissue to pull away from teeth and create pockets that encourage bacteria growth. Over time, an infection can harm the connective tissue and bone holding teeth in place, resulting in tooth loss.

Brightens Your Smile

Professional teeth cleanings include a polishing step that removes buildup from common staining agents such as coffee and tobacco products. Not only will your mouth feel clean and healthy, but you will also have a whiter, brighter smile at the end of the treatment.

Improves Heart Health

Scientists have found many connections between oral health and overall health, particularly the likelihood of developing heart disease if you at risk of having gum disease. Since teeth cleanings reduce your risk of gum disease, they also decrease your chances of being diagnosed with heart disease and experiencing other health issues such as a stroke or heart attack.


If you’re due for a teeth cleaning, then visit Robert A. Klement, DDS of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. For over 30 years, this family dentist has provided both general and cosmetic dentistry services, including cleanings, fillings, dental bonding, and dental crowns, to keep your smile healthy and beautiful. Call (715) 421-3030 to make an appointment, or visit the practice’s website to learn more about their services. 
