
If you’re considering adult braces, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey by the American Association of Orthodontists, adults account for nearly 1.5 million orthodontic patients in the United States and Canada. Whether you’re looking to straighten your smile or correct your bite, there are a few factors to consider before taking the plunge. Brace yourself for the following adult orthodontics facts and tidbits.

What You Need to Know About Adult Braces

You Have Options

Advancements in orthodontics have made straightening smiles a more efficient, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing process. Depending on your condition, your orthodontist will recommend one of several options, including traditional metal braces, FastBraces®, Invisalign®, and clear braces.

There Is Little-to-No Pain Involved

Being fitted for braces is relatively pain-free. Aside from routine adjustments, which can cause temporary soreness, most patients experience only minor discomfort – due mainly to brackets rubbing against the lips and cheeks. Your orthodontist will provide you with a special wax and instructions to help combat this issue.

Your Confidence Will Soar

adult bracesCrooked teeth can have a negative effect on your self-esteem. You may feel embarrassed or self-conscious in public settings, choosing to cover your mouth when laughing or smiling. Once your orthodontic treatment is complete, you’ll be able to smile with pride and enjoy a permanent boost in confidence.

The Results Are Worth the Time Investment

Due to the difference in the jaw’s malleability, orthodontic treatments typically take longer with adults than with teenagers. Regardless of age, the results more than justify the time commitment.

There Will Be Sacrifices

Unfortunately, the same dietary restrictions still apply. Avoid sticky foods while keeping sweets to a minimum. Sodas and fizzy drinks are off limits to help reduce the risk of decalcification. Your orthodontist will provide you with a list of restricted items for reference.


If you’re considering adult braces in Fairfield, OH, Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics is the place to turn. Utilizing the latest state-of-the-art technologies, Dr. Jacobs will provide you with the solutions and care you need to enjoy the straight, beautiful, healthy smile you’ve always dreamed of. Visit the practice online or call (513) 823-3143 to learn more about their orthodontic services.
