
Your water well is one of your property’s most important features, and ensuring that yours stays in good condition isn’t just a matter of convenience—it also directly affects your family’s well-being. As the team at Marshall Eye Jr Water Well Drilling & Repair Service in Potosi, MO, explains, routine water well maintenance can ultimately make all the difference for your family.

Homeowners typically don’t need to do much on their own to maintain their water well—in fact, you should almost always leave water well maintenance to the professionals. The simple reality is that the average homeowner doesn’t have the proper equipment or experience to undertake basic maintenance or fix a performance issue. More often than not, attempting well repair on your own will only make the problem worse or possibly introduce contaminants to the well water.

water well maintenanceUltimately, your best course for water well maintenance is to schedule an annual well inspection from a professional. Routine water well maintenance gives professionals a chance to check for bacterial infections and other performance problems. This allows repairs to be completed before a problem gets out of hand, helping you save money and avoid a costly system breakdown. Even more importantly, it ensures that your water is free of harmful bacteria, protecting your family from serious health issues.

However, you can still conduct a visual inspection to check for potential issues. Periodically inspect your well’s casing, well cap, and the area around the well for signs of damage or landscaping issues. Ground around the well should divert runoff away from your system, and chemical products and other contaminants should be kept at least 50 feet away from the well. Calling a professional for assistance when you notice damage or other potential issues will keep your family safe.

If you need help with your water well maintenance needs, don’t hesitate to call the experienced team at Marshall Eye Jr Water Well Drilling & Repair Service Having served the area since 1959, they can provide the expertise you need to handle any well-related issues. Visit them on Yelp to learn more about their services or call (314) 541-6239 to schedule an appointment.
