
The death of a loved one can be exceptionally difficult, but it often helps to share your feelings of loss with others. Adzima Funeral Home, a Stratford, CT, fixture that has been providing funeral services and planning for more than 100 years, discusses some of the most effective grief support resources for people dealing with the loss of a close friend or family member. 

3 Important Grief Support Resources for After a Funeral

1. Memorial Events

A memorial event is one of the best places to find grief support, since the attendees are all suffering the same loss. It often helps to share touching or even funny stories about the departed with others who also loved them. A memorial need not be a formal service. A group of friends or family members gathering for lunch to swap memories and share their collective loss can be extraordinarily effective in helping you overcome your grief.

2. Support Groups

Funeral services in Stratford, CTIf family or friends are not available, consider sharing your loss with the compassionate people you'll find at a survivor's support group. Although they didn't know your loved one, they're going through a similar process and can often provide as much comfort, compassion, and eventually even friendship as you might find among your own group.

3. Clergy

If religion plays an important role in your life, you can find comfort by speaking with a minister, rabbi, or other clergy member. Many have training in grief counseling and experience helping their parishioners deal with profound losses. Some people prefer not to speak one on one with clergy, but instead take part in church activities and direct their focus outward toward helping others instead of inward at their own feelings of pain.

Adzima Funeral Home in Stratford, CT, provides respectful, compassionate funeral services to help families and friends say goodbye to a loved one. Visit their website to request information, or call (203) 375-2200 to speak with a sympathetic professional.
