
A podiatrist is a physician specifically educated and trained to diagnose conditions related to the foot and ankle discomfort. Patient’s age can range from early childhood to senior citizens. Some of the most common foot ailments include heel pain, ingrown nails, bunions, fractures, sport injuries and warts.

It is time to see a Podiatrist when:

Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis
A condition that is frequently called the bone spur, heel spur or a “stone bruise.” Patients usually have the most pain initially in the morning or after periods of rest. In order to relieve these symptoms, it is necessary to be evaluated by your podiatrist to diagnose what exactly is causing the pain (i.e. that is not a fracture). Upon evaluation, heel pain can be treated by icing, stretching and injections. Another effective treatment for heel pain is custom made orthotics (shoe inserts), made to specifically address your personal discomfort or pain.

Ingrown Nails or Paronychia
This can be indentified by a constant pain and swelling near the nail bed. It is definitely time to be treated if there is redness or drainage near the area. This could mean a possible infection. A simple permanent procedure can be performed to prevent nail regrowth or continued infections.

Bunions or Hallux Abducto Valgus
This is a painful bony prominence near the big toe. It is typically a hereditary condition that is not caused by shoes. Cosmetic concerns are not the reason to have a bunion removed; however, if the condition causes interference and pain during your daily activities, a surgical correction may be beneficial and something to be considered.

Fractures and Broken Bones
A break or crack within the bone. Common symptoms are pain, swelling, lack of mobility and bruising. Treatments range from a rigid walking shoe to a removable boot or even a hard cast with crutches. In extreme cases, a surgical repair may be necessary.

Sports Injuries 
There are several types of injuries related to sports. There can be everything from sprained ankles and Achilles Tendonitis to joint injuries. In all cases, it is important to be evaluated and treated early to prevent further injury.

Warts or Plantar Verruca
A common condition caused by a virus. Warts can appear as an individual or in groups. It is time to seek treatment when you have pain or when the warts start to spread
