
In order to prepare students for future academic and career success, we ensure that they work on “number sense” which is a facet of the Common Core Standards. Since math can often feel abstract and hard to grasp, we help make sense of the symbols that stand in for a value or computation, so they can solve problems correctly.

While adults have already internalized the values attributed to each number and symbol, pre-k and kindergarten students are just learning the meaning and value of each number, along with what the addition and subtraction sign means. At Eye Level, we will take our time explaining how numbers work, and how for example, the number five is not just the name for that number, but rather a representation of its amount as well.

The math program offered at the Eye Level Learning Center is intended for students as young as three and up, and is designed to give students a basic sense of what numbers really mean. With workbooks that start off introducing numbers and their given names, and recognition exercises as well as writing prompts, there is clear evidence that our skilled tutors are helping students build up their skills, one step at a time. Once these skills are demonstrated, the course will cover the value of each numerical symbol next.

Before students can succeed in addition and subtraction they need to build the foundation, which means understanding the meaning and purpose behind plus and minus signs, along with numerical values. Once these skills are acquired, they can solve word problems. Using keywords, counting exercises, and number lines, the Eye Level method allows students to truly understand basic mathematics in a tangible and permanent way. 
