
Asbestos is defined as a group of minerals featuring microscopic fibers resistant to fire, heat and assorted chemicals. Because asbestos does not conduct electricity, it was a popular option in the construction and automotive industries years ago.

Unfortunately, when asbestos is “disturbed,” fibers are released into the air and subsequently inhaled, becoming trapped in the lungs for years. The presence of asbestos fibers in the lungs results in a variety of health issues, which is why Rainbow Environmental Services offers asbestos removal, among other maintenance services regarding hazardous materials.

If you believe your home or work environment did or does feature asbestos, take a look at the symptoms of asbestos exposure:

  • Coughing & Shortness of Breath: Coughing, shortness of breath and eventually lung scarring are all symptoms of asbestosis, an inflammatory lung condition.
  • Sleeplessness: Asbestos exposure can result in sleep issues, including the inability to stay asleep combined with profuse sweating.
  • Weight Loss: Slow but steady weight loss despite a normal diet is another symptom of exposure.
  • Skin Issues: Topical asbestos exposure symptoms include abundant rashes, light blue pimples, and skin that has lost some of its strength and elasticity.
  • Physical Exertion Difficulty: Difficulty performing any form of labor or physical activity is often a common symptom.
  • Lung Problems: Pleural plaques may form in the lungs following exposure, which result from changes in the membranes surrounding the organ. Abnormal collections of fluid between the lungs can occur as well.

Asbestos is also linked to several types of cancer, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. The latter is a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen or chest cavity and is often deadly. Keep in mind that asbestos symptoms are often latent, meaning it can take anywhere from 20 to 40 years for symptoms to manifest.

If you believe your building or home has asbestos, do not hesitate to call for removal. To learn more about asbestos removal, mold removal and other services offered by Rainbow Environmental Services, please call (513) 624-6470 or visit their website today.
