
When you believe a tree on your property is sick or dying, it’s smart to work with a professional arborist. The specialists will help you determine if tree treatment is appropriate or if it’s time to remove it altogether. Located in Midland City, AL, TrimCo Tree Experts has emerged as the area’s most trustworthy tree company. Offering everything from pruning to tree removal services, their professionals have the knowledge to help you solve any foliage-related problem.

Before you’re able to address the tree treatmentsituation of a dying tree, you need to know how to recognize one. One notable sign is if the tree seems off-kilter, leaning severely to one side. Other times, you may notice the tree looks diseased with soft rotting wood or fungal growths. If the branches look like they’re about to fall, your tree may be beyond repair.

Upon noticing any of these signs, it’s important to seek the assessment of a professional arborist like TrimCo Tree Experts. Because dying trees have the potential to fall or lose their branches, they can be a danger to you and your family, so it’s important to act quickly. Their arborists will tell you whether your tree can be helped with a chemical spray to fend off fungus or some pruning to help rebalance its structure. 

However, if the tree is dying, tree treatment may not be enough. To protect your family from injury and other trees from contracting diseases, the best solution may be to cut your foliage down. TrimCo Tree Experts will be able to help you conduct the removal in a safe manner to help you avoid any potential injuries.

If you’re not sure whether your trees are dying, then contact TrimCo Tree Experts today. Serving the Greater Wiregrass area, their team will work with your closely to help determine what the issue may be. You can speak to a courteous staff member by calling (334)791-2087, or visit the tree treatment company online
