
A leach field is the area near a septic system where effluent, or clear waste liquid from the septic tank, drains. The soil acts as a filter and disposal system for organic matter and solid waste, as bacteria in the soil breaks down toxins. Clay particles in the soil also play an important role because they trap viruses. A failing leach field is subsequently a serious hazard that must be remedied as soon as possible.

Why Does a Leach Field Fail?

Insufficient Septic Tank Pumping

The usual reason absorption fields cease to perform is because of septic tanks. Any septic tank that has not been sufficiently pumped and maintained eventually fills with sludge. This causes more solids to leach into the less-permeable absorption field from underground pipes, causing system failure. Wastewater usually comes up through the surface of the field and creates a hazardous, odorous area. The water can also back up into your home when septic tanks are not pumped at least every three years.

leach fieldInvasive Plants

Invasive plant species twisting around septic system piping often creates clogs that result in leach field failure. If you want to plant over your leach field, you must use shallow-rooted options to avoid pipe damage and absorption field problems.

Vehicles & Walkway Construction

Constructing walkways or patios over leach fields is never recommended because it disrupts the natural evaporation process and can damage piping. The same is true of parking cars and trucks over these fields--they can interfere with evaporation and even result in cave-ins that destroy septic system pipes and damage vehicles.


Leaking fixtures and pipes within the home are another reason for field failure, especially when compounded with faulty water softeners. It means excess water ends up in your septic system, which floods the field. Overuse of water due to guests in your home can also cause this problem.


Devise a septic tank cleaning schedule with the friendly, experienced team at Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY, to avoid these and related issues. The company proudly provides inspections, maintenance, and repairs to keep your system functioning at the highest level. Call (585) 467-2550 to schedule a cleaning or visit the website for additional information. 
