
Of all of the systems and appliances in your home, the heating and air conditioning are likely two of the most often used. Taking care of your HVAC system requires some effort on the part of the homeowner, as its many functional parts can wear out or become less efficient and effective over time. Preventative HVAC maintenance measures can be taken monthly to ensure your home remains comfortable throughout the year, as well as to avoid the need for costly repairs or a full replacement earlier than expected.

System Life Span

The average HVAC system is built to last for about 10 years, but with the correct preventative maintenance routine, you can extend that life span to as long as 15 or 20 years before you need to replace and install a new unit. Preventative maintenance, including routine checkups, minor tweaks, and repairs, will help take some of the pressure off of the unit so it doesn’t burn out before its expiration date. While you may worry that regular maintenance will be expensive, the smaller costs add up to be less than that of a total replacement. 

Quiet Down

HVACAn HVAC system that has gone too long without being looked at can start to make grinding or rattling sounds when turned on. This could be due to years of being out in the sun or indoor insulation that has worn down over time. However, keeping track of the system’s air conditioner, heating pump, fan blades, and compressor will help to keep noise levels low, allowing you and your family to enjoy quiet temperatures.

Lower Utility Bills

In especially warm or cold places, using your HVAC system frequently can spike up your energy bill, sending it through the roof. When your system isn’t operating as efficiently as it once was, it requires significantly more energy to produce the same desired results, leading to an even higher utility bill you’ll have to face at the end of each month. By bringing in a professional to perform regular upkeep, you can bring the cost of your energy bill down between 5% and 15%.


If you’re a homeowner in Lexington, KY, in the market for a reputable HVAC company to help you keep your system running smoothly, consider the team at Disponette Service Co. For 40 years, this group of HVAC specialists has helped locals keep their heating and cooling units working perfectly, helping them to save money in the meantime. For more information, visit them online or call (859) 255-7157.
