
Acrylic plastic encompasses an array of man-made materials that include at least one derivative of acrylic acid. Polymethyl Methacrylate, or PMMA, is the most common of these plastics, and is included in popular brand-name items like Lucite® and Plexiglas®. The material’s versatility and durability are excellent for acrylic products, from shop signs to architectural designs. Below is a list of lesser-known plastic products that utilize acrylic.

5 Little-Known Acrylic Products

1. Helmet Visors

plastic productsA sturdy helmet is an essential piece of safety gear for any motorcycle rider. Some opt for a helmet with a clear visor that covers the face, protecting the eyes from airborne debris and dirt. The most inexpensive option is usually an acrylic visor.

2. Ship & Submarine Windows

Acrylic ship windows can be used near a boat’s waterline and withstand submersion. The material is so durable, it is even used in submarine windows. This allows passengers to monitor their underwater surroundings with ease.

3. Aquariums

Public aquariums often use acrylic to house their marine life. The material is also used in at-home aquariums you might purchase for a goldfish. Since it’s easily molded and formed, acrylic can be used to create various tank shapes; with glass, you’re limited to standard rectangles.

4. Airplane Canopies

Smaller planes often feature transparent enclosures over their cockpits. This piece allows the pilot to see clearly while protecting them from the weather and surrounding environment. The most common type of acrylic plastic, Plexiglas or Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), is often used for this application.

5. Swimming Pool Windows

Acrylic plastic was originally used in pools when swim and dive coaches wanted to get a peek at their pupils’ form underwater. Now, such windows are also used in private pool designs for aesthetic appeal.


If you’re looking for a trusted plastic supplier in Hawaii, look to Min Plastics & Supply in Honolulu. These professionals serve contractors and business customers throughout the island. They have been providing plastic supplies, including acrylic products, for more than 60 years. To find out more about their services, call (808) 847-1511. You can also like Min Plastics & Supply on Google+.
