
In a perfect world, you could get a massage every day. Unfortunately, most people don’t have that kind of time. That’s why it’s important to take your needs and lifestyle into account when determining how often you should get a massage therapy treatment. At Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center, offering personal training in the Boulder, CO, area, they recommend keeping the following points in mind when making your decision.

How Often to Get a Massage

For Pregnancy

Being pregnant puts a substantial amount of strain on your body. A massage helps to relieve the tension. To get the most benefits, it’s a good idea to get a massage frequently at first—some experts recommend scheduling up to three appointments per week. Once you feel comfortable, reduce the frequency to only one time per week; then, start skipping some weeks if you don’t feel you need a massage at that time.

For Relaxation

Massage-Boulder-COMassage stimulates circulation, reduces muscle tension, and generally promotes a state of well-being and calm. If you’re overwhelmed by stress, regular massage therapy sessions will make it easier to cope. Fortunately, the effects of a session tend to last for a long time. Thus, if you’re getting a massage to help yourself relax more easily, it’s recommended that you schedule appointments every two to four weeks.

For Sports Recovery

Strenuous exercise results in some degree of soreness. Getting a massage is a great way to reduce your discomfort. Although your personal needs will depend on how often you exercise and how much strain you put your body under, most amateur athletes benefit from two to four massage sessions per month.

For more information, get in touch with the specialists at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center, in Boulder, CO. They’ll review your lifestyle, helping to determine a schedule that’s best for your needs. Contact them online for more information, or call (303) 475-4578.
