
After suffering a serious injury, not only do you need to focus on recovering, but you must also figure out how to pay for mounting medical bills and make up for lost wages. Fortunately, if your injury was caused by someone else’s actions, you have the right to seek compensation.

Before you attempt to face the legal battle on your own, consider how you can benefit from hiring a personal injury attorney. The lawyers at Miraldi & Barrett, Co. have extensive experience in personal injury law and are qualified to represent the residents of Lorain County, OH, in a variety of cases.

Below, they explain the top advantages of having expert legal counsel to assist with your claim:

  • Knowledge of the Laws & Litigation Process: A personal injury attorney will know the ins and outs of the laws related to your situation. This is essential for gathering evidence and filing paperwork on time. They also understand the litigation process and will represent you effectively in court. All of this is crucial to preventing technical issues that could cost you the case.
  • personal injury attorneyDetermine the Value of Your Claim: An attorney can give you a general idea of what your case is worth. They will thoroughly assess the severity of your injuries along with other factors that impact the amount you’re entitled to. In addition, they know how to strategically negotiate with insurance companies and other attorneys to obtain higher settlements.
  • Increase Your Chances of Winning: Your inexperience will put you at a major disadvantage when going up against the high-powered legal teams of insurance companies and large corporations. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney will significantly increase your odds of winning what you deserve.

Suffering an injury is difficult enough without having to go through the litigation process alone. Hiring a personal injury attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your claim. To schedule a consultation to review your case, contact Miraldi & Barrett, Co. at (440) 233-1100. You can also visit their website to learn more about their different areas of practice. 
