
Proper care of baby teeth is extremely important to ensure good oral hygiene for life. That’s why the skilled pediatric dentists at Discovery Dental urge their patients in Eagle River, AK, to instill good dental care habits in their kids as soon as possible. Here, they explain more about why baby teeth are so important, even though they will eventually be replaced.

Baby teeth are crucial to your child’s overall oral development. They serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth, and a disruption can lead to issues down the line. The adult teeth may come in skewed if a child loses their baby ones earlier than normal, which can result in the need for braces and other dental procedures. Getting a head start on proper oral hygiene is crucial in this case, as it can greatly diminish the need for more comprehensive procedures.

Ipediatric dentistn general, children should pay a visit to a pediatric dentist just before their first birthday or immediately after their first teeth break through the surface of their gums. Not only will this allow a dentist to confirm your child’s teeth are developing normally, but it can also help establish healthy dental habits as soon as possible. Kids often have anxiety about visiting the dentist, and getting them acquainted with the process early on can help ease their fears. A dentist will also teach them the proper way to care for their teeth, as well as offer information on poor dental habits (such as thumb sucking).

When it comes to dental care for kids, Discovery Dental has earned a reputation among Eagle River parents for their knowledgeable and child-friendly approach. Schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist today by calling (907) 622-5437. You can also like this practice on Facebook to stay up to date on all the latest news and procedures catering exclusively to kids.
