
Whether you’re putting your property on the market or just want to spruce up your existing interior design, a fresh coat of paint is an excellent way to transform a space. With so many colors available, selecting a hue can be an involved process. To avoid costly mistakes, Hawaii’s JD Painting & Decorating recommends keeping a few factors in mind for indoor painting projects.

4 Tips for Picking Colors for Indoor Painting

Set the Mood

indoor paintingBefore committing to a color palette for your home, ask yourself what kind of vibe you want each room to have. Warmer colors, like reds, yellows, and oranges tend to create spaces that are welcoming, sociable, and lively. In contrast, cooler colors from the blue, green, and purple families lend a breezy, serene, and relaxing atmosphere.

Keep Size in Mind

When considering different color options, it’s important to take the size of a room into account. For example, light hues tend to maximize the appearance of small spaces, while darker colors promote a sense of intimacy and coziness. 

Take Note of Lighting

The type of light you have within your home will affect how different colors looks. Natural sunlight will make shades appear true to their color, while incandescent lighting emphasizes warm tones. Fluorescent lighting, on the other hand, has a bluish tone and will make colors seem cooler.

Test Each Color

Once you’ve narrowed down your top contenders, test them out by purchasing small samples of each. Apply these colors to small sections of the wall to see how they look in your space. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bold colors, as trying different approaches will help you ultimately decide on the best option.  

If you’re ready to transform your property’s interior, contact JD Painting & Decorating for assistance. With over 20 years of indoor painting experience and two convenient locations, they’ve earned a reputation as Hawaii’s premier residential and office renovation contractor. Visit their website to see examples of their work. For a project estimate, call (808) 632-2160 to reach the Lihue, HI office, or (808)242-9731 for the Wailuku, HI, location.
