
Workers’ compensation can be a nightmare. If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, regardless of how much your employer was at fault, you may be reluctant to file a claim, fearing a variety of consequences, from losing in court to losing your job. Fortunately, as the workers’ comp law attorneys at Stringer, Stringer, & Gasior in Avon, OH, suggest, these fears are largely unfounded.

What You Need to Know About Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

You Should File Quickly

workers' comp lawHesitancy or failure to report a workplace injury is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. With every passing moment, you lose valuable time that would otherwise be spent gathering evidence, receiving medical care, and getting started on the claims process. Reporting your injury early will get the ball rolling towards a positive resolution.

You Don’t Have to Pay an Attorney Upfront

The job of a workers’ compensation attorney is to get you back on your feet and not escalate your financial strain. Most attorneys who practice workers’ comp law work on a contingency basis, meaning they are only paid if they can obtain a reward for their client. Once compensation is awarded, the attorney will take a set percentage of the total amount.

You Can’t Be Fired for Making a Claim

A common misconception among employees is that filing a claim will result in their termination. In reality, it is against the law for employers to retaliate against an employee for filing a workplace injury claim. If they do, they’ll often end up proving your case, as it would be difficult to claim the firing was unrelated to the workplace injury.

Focusing on workers’ comp law, the attorneys at Stringer, Stringer, & Gasior in Avon provide clients with the compassionate, professional, and aggressive representation they need to obtain the compensation they deserve. Call the firm at (440) 934-7676 to speak with a personal injury attorney today.  
