
Divorces portrayed on TV or in the movies often appear dramatic and contentious, but this is not always true in real life. In many cases, the proceedings are civil and even amicable. Opting for divorce mediation allows you to resolve legal issues through cooperation and negotiation instead of going through litigation, which involves the court system. This guide outlines the differences between these two approaches to dissolving a marriage.

Divorce Mediation Does Not Involve Judges

A professional legal mediator facilitates the necessary conversations two spouses must have to find effective solutions to the issues surrounding their divorce. You will sit down with your soon-to-be ex, and the mediator will introduce the topics that need to be addressed. This approach helps you focus on individual issues, making the process more manageable. In most mediation sessions, the only attorney involved is the mediator, unlike in divorce litigation, where both spouses have hired lawyers.

Mediation Puts You in Control

divorce mediation Waterbury CTChoosing divorce mediation gives you the freedom to find creative solutions, so the resulting agreement meets your family’s unique needs. You and your soon-to-be ex have the opportunity to brainstorm and think about what is most appropriate for your situation, giving you more control over how the divorce is resolved. When a couple opts for litigation, many decisions like spousal and child support are left up to the courts.

Mediation Is Better for Civil Divorces

Although divorce mediation is not right for every couple, there are situations in which separated partners can work together and make productive decisions. Litigation is effective when the people involved cannot reach an agreement or communicate without arguments. In this scenario, the attorneys are neutral parties who work on their clients’ behalf, preventing undue conflict.


For more than four decades, The Law Office of Gregory G. St. John, LLC, has been serving the Waterbury, CT, area. The firm guides couples through divorce mediation or litigation, depending on what is right for their family and communication needs. Call (203) 759-0240 to schedule a consultation, and visit the firm online to learn more about their legal services. 
