
If you’re heading back to work after having a baby, you might wonder how you’ll be able to continue nursing. Being a working mother presents some challenges, but it’s still possible to continue breast-feeding if you make changes to your schedule. Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates in Butler County, OH, is committed to guiding their patients through every step of their pregnancy into the early stages of motherhood. The OBGYNs understand that breast-feeding can be difficult when you work full-time, which is why they offer the following tips.

3 Tips for Breast-Feeding as a Working Mom

1. Educate Your EmployerOBGYN

If you think your employer isn’t being supportive enough, try to educate them. It’s your legal right to be able to pump at work, and you should receive adequate break time to do so. Ask your physician for printed material and pamphlets that explain the importance of breast-feeding and your rights as a worker.

2. Purchase a Quality Pump

Your breast-feeding breaks will be more efficient if you purchase a high-quality electric pump. It should come with a battery pack, so you won’t have to worry about finding an outlet to plug your pump in. This will allow you to produce enough bottles of breast milk that you will be able to nurse your child even when you’re not home.

3. Create a Routine

It can be difficult to get in the zone while working and then have to take breaks frequently throughout the day to pump. This is why it’s important to create a consistent routine. You might want to set an alarm or use a calendar app on your computer or phone to schedule breaks throughout the day.

To learn more about breast-feeding your baby, turn to the gynecologists at OBGYN Associates. The practice provides new mothers with the information they need to raise a healthy baby. Visit their website to learn about their women’s health care services, or call (513) 221-3800 to make an appointment with an OBGYN in Fairfield or Liberty Township today.
