
When a fire ignites, it’s crucial to act fast. That’s why it’s imperative to have a fire extinguisher on hand at all times, be it in your home or office. However, there are several types of extinguishers, each of which puts out a different kind of fire—and it’s rarely useful to have every type in the same room. Instead, you should keep one or two around that eliminate the most likely fires in the area. That way, no one has to spend more than a few seconds making a split decision.

Here are the main types of fire extinguishers and the flames they eradicate:

  • Type A: Most fires can be put out with these models. Type A fires burn wood, paper, trash, and other combustible materials.
  • fire extinguishersTypes B & K: If you work with flammable liquids such as oil, grease, solvents, fuel, or paint, you’ll need a Type B fire extinguisher on hand. While Type K extinguishers are similar, they’re best-suited for cooking oils and fats, which makes them common in commercial kitchens.
  • Type C: These extinguishers can put out electrical fires. Never attempt to douse an electrical fire with water—always use a Type C extinguisher, which employs a special foam.
  • ABC Fire Extinguishers: ABC extinguishers can put out all fire types from A to C, which makes them a popular choice for homes and offices.
  • Type D: The most dangerous fires feed on combustible metal powders or flakes. These are known as Type D fires, and they require Type D extinguishers. However, these fires are only common in industrial sectors.


Need a fire extinguisher for your home or business? You’ll find all the flame-tackling equipment you need at Fire Protection Specialists. They’re located in Bangor, WI, and can be reached at (800) 658-9463 for quotes. For more information on their fire protection services, refer to their website.
