
Do you love green tea? If so, you’ve made a wise beverage choice, as these little tea leaves boast quite a few health benefits. Green tea is said to reduce your risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s, prevent strokes, maintain bone density, and may even have anti-aging properties. Now, you can add one more benefit to that list: green tea may improve your oral health! The dental professionals at Four Corners Dental Group, a practice specializing in family and cosmetic dentistry, serving Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, residents, want to explain why a relaxing cup of green could help your pearly whites.

Dentists Explain the Connection Between Green Tea & Your Teeth

Green Tea & Gum Disease

In a recent study, nearly 1,000 middle-aged men who drank green tea on a regular basis had healthier gums than those who didn’t. Researchers monitored the men who were between the ages of 49 and 59 on three different markers for periodontal disease. For every cup of green tea consumed, those gum disease markers decreased. Is it conclusive? Not yet—the test group was small—but dentists believe the connection warrants more research.

More Green Tea, Fewer Cavities 

dentistThe leaves in green tea have been shown to control the growth of mouth bacteria and effectively lower the acid content of saliva and plaque. Researchers believe these properties of green tea may help reduce cavities and prevent tooth decay. Are you trying to improve your oral health? Start with one or two cups a day, and see what happens during your next visit to the dentist!

Green Tea & Cancer

Scientists have touted the benefits of tea when it comes to fighting cancer and believe there are specific compounds in tea leaves that inhibit cancer growth. Now, it appears certain antioxidants in green tea can help stave off oral cancer. In a recent study, doctors applied green tea extract to precancerous mouth lesions and noticed it seemed to slow cancer progression.

If you’re not a big tea drinker, look for toothpaste and mouth wash brands with green tea extract. If you love it, feel free to add a few cups into your daily routine. For more ways to improve your oral health, or to ask about cosmetic dentistry services, like implants or veneers, contact the professionals at Four Corners Dental Group by calling (907) 258-3384 to make an appointment, or visit the website for more information.
