
While daily dental hygiene is essential to your oral health, it isn't enough without professional teeth cleaning. When you visit your dentist for a cleaning and an exam, you're doing more than getting a little plaque removed. This is an opportunity for them to monitor your dental health, catch other health problems early, and provide preventive care which will keep your teeth healthy and stall future problems.

Here are three things you can expect to have done when you come in for your cleaning:

Head & Neck Exam

Before you get to the actual teeth cleaning, your dentist is already looking out for your health. Your provider will check your face, neck, jaw, and lymph nodes for any sign of injury, infection, or other health problems, and will continue to keep an eye on these issues during the oral exam. Many systemic diseases show signs in the mouth, and catching them early makes treatment easier and more successful. This is also a good opportunity to spot the warning signs of oral cancer.

Dental Exam

Teeth CleaningNext, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums. This includes a visual check for cracks, chips, and decay. Your dentist will also inspect your bite alignment, assess the health of your gums, test for loose teeth, and check up on fillings and dental appliances. Once again, catching any problems early is the best way to save you time and money on treatment; what is only a small cavity today could require a root canal later if not treated promptly.

Teeth Cleaning

Your dentist will remove the built-up plaque and tartar you can’t reach yourself, and help you identify problem areas that need attention. They will also polish your teeth, smoothing their surfaces to make it more difficult for bacteria to establish a foothold. By wrapping up with a fluoride treatment, your dentist strengthens your tooth enamel, helping prevent cavities until your next visit.


If you're overdue for teeth cleaning, schedule your next visit today with Dr. David K. Skeels. He provides quality general and restorative dentistry to patients in Rochester, NY. His services also include tooth extractions and dental implants, an advanced replacement option for lost teeth. For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 585-467-7000 or reach out online.
