
Trees generally don’t require as much maintenance as other pieces of nature on your property. Usually, all they need is a little water, some fertilizer, and the right amount of direct sunlight to keep growing strong for years to come. Still, they can be hurt by too much water or suffer dehydration if they’re neglected, especially if you’re trying to plant saplings. If you notice any of the following signs, your local arborist can help develop the best watering schedule for your trees.

Signs of Overwatering

tree serviceFor some species, overwatering can be just as dangerous as parched ground. If your trees are getting too much water, the soil around their trunks will be consistently wet. This will prohibit the roots from absorbing enough oxygen, causing the tree to have poor growth.

Signs of Underwatering

The tell-tale signs of underwatering are usually in the leaves. Without enough water, the tree’s leaves will curl and wilt, usually turning brown at the edges. In most species, the canopy itself will be sparse, with leaves that fail to attain their proper size or color, even in the full growth season. Some types of trees will also have an early fall, with leaves turning color and falling off months before they’re due.

Watering Your Trees

Many homeowners rely on sprinklers to water their trees, but this may not be enough. Since it has shallower roots, grass can quickly claim more than their fair share of the water, leaving too little behind for the trees. If your trees consistently seem dehydrated, hire an arborist to check out the soil and figure out how to meet the plant’s water needs, based on your local climate and the species you have.


As one of Cornelia, GA’s leading arborists, McAllister Tree Service offers a wide range of services to keep your trees healthy, including everything from landscaping assistance to emergency tree removal. Visit their website to learn more about what these professional arborists will do to help keep your trees healthy, and call (706) 778-7527 to schedule an appointment today.
