
Your air conditioner is easily one of the most relied upon and used appliances in your home. When something goes wrong, it can quickly throw a wrench in your comfort. That’s why it’s important to act fast if you think there may be a problem. The HVAC contractors at Air Rescue of O’Fallon, MO, have some advice that may help you recognize the symptoms that may lead to an air conditioning repair service.

When to Schedule Air Conditioning Repair

AC Stops Working

air conditioning repairThe most obvious sign it’s time to call an HVAC contractor is when the air conditioner simply stops working. If it stops producing sufficiently cool air even when it’s operating at full capacity, this is a red flag that an HVAC repair technician needs to perform a thorough inspection. The problem could be as simple as low refrigerant levels, or as complex as a complete compressor failure.

AC Makes Noise

Your air conditioner may normally produce a low humming noise. If a squeaking, grinding, or squealing noise replaces the hum, though, this could suggest a major problem. Usually, the cause is internal—it may indicate a lack of lubrication, a broken motor, or a slipped belt. All of these issues require an air conditioning repair appointment. In some cases, a complete replacement for the appliance may be necessary.

AC Causes Odors

What’s that smell? If you notice an unusual odor emanating from the vents, it may mean your air conditioner’s insulation is burning. If the scent is reminiscent of something damp and musty, it could signal the presence of mold in the ducts. An air conditioning repair technician will inspect for this substance and, if found, eradicate it quickly so it doesn’t spread throughout the ductwork. 

If you suspect there’s a problem with your unit, it’s important to promptly contact your AC contractor to avoid more troublesome—and possibly more costly—problems in the future. Visit the Air Rescue website to learn more about their air conditioning repair services, or call (636) 764-0700 to schedule an appointment.
