
If you like to stay comfortably warm in your home during the winter, don’t let your furnace maintenance fall to the wayside. During the months leading up to the arrival of cold weather, be sure to schedule an inspection with a trusted furnace repair company. They’ll look over your heating appliance, clean it, and make any necessary repairs to ensure your heater runs without issue all winter season.

Below are some of the problems you’re less likely to develop when you perform annual furnace repairs and maintenance:


furnace repairThe biggest reason to have your furnace cleaned at least once a year is to protect your home and family from a potential fire. Soot buildup in the flue, lint in the ductwork, and obstructions near the vents are all fire hazards. If you live in a home with an older furnace, this risk is often increased.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

When you burn fuel, carbon monoxide is a natural byproduct that occurs. In a properly working furnace, carbon monoxide is filtered out of the home’s air through the ventilation exhaust. Unfortunately, leaks can develop, and blockages can arise that cause the gas to build up within the home. As carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas, and the early symptoms of intoxication replicate those of a cold, it is incredibly hard to detect without a CO monitor and regular inspections.

High Heating Bills

To provide warm air to the home, a furnace must pull in air through a filter. Over time, this filter can become clogged with dust and other particles. The larger the blockage becomes, the harder the furnace has to work to pull in air. This means your heater is using more energy, which will inevitably cause you to pay more on your utility bill.


Ensure your family can stay warm and safe in their home and contact Adco Heating & Air Conditioning about their furnace repair services today. They provide affordable rates and high-quality service to the Cincinnati, OH, region. To schedule an equipment inspection, call (513) 471-3390. You can also visit their website to learn about their other heating repair services.
