
When you’re expecting a baby, your body goes through many changes that can have oral health implications. Visiting the family dentist for routine care during pregnancy is safe, but you might have questions about what to do about more intensive procedures. Ed Struss Family Dentistry in Lexington, KY, understands the connection between maintaining a dental care routine and having a healthy pregnancy. Below, they offer a few tips that will keep the baby safe and promote good oral hygiene. 

Keep Your Dentist Informed  

It’s important to notify the dentist when you become pregnant, or even if you think you might be. This information will help them tailor their treatment plans accordingly. If the obstetrician has prescribed a new medication or determined that your pregnancy is high-risk, the dentist should be made aware of this as well.

family dentist Lexington KYBrush & Floss Regularly

Pregnant women are at a higher risk for tooth decay because hormonal changes can make saliva more acidic and destructive to enamel. Regular brushing and flossing help prevent decay and enamel erosion, but the family dentist will need to monitor your teeth closely to detect cavities. Getting a filling at the first sign of a problem helps prevent an infection from spreading and affecting other parts of the body.   

Watch Out for Pregnancy Gingivitis

Hormonal changes can also lead to pregnancy gingivitis, a temporary condition that causes gums to swell and bleed. You may need to schedule additional teeth cleanings to remove plaque and bacteria that may contribute to gum disease.

Use Medication Sparingly

Although most of your family dentist’s services are safe during pregnancy, some of the medications they use are not. Antibiotics, which are sometimes necessary to prevent or stop infections, are safe while you’re expecting. However, lidocaine, a common dental anesthetic, can enter the placenta and put a developing fetus at risk.

Get X-Rays As Needed

If you have a regularly scheduled exam during pregnancy, the dentist may postpone digital dental X-rays until after the baby is born. However, if imaging is necessary for a procedure, X-rays are safe for women and developing babies as long as they are protected from excess exposure.

Your family dentist treats patients of all ages, ensuring a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Practicing an oral hygiene routine during pregnancy is a simple way to protect yourself and the new baby. Ed Struss Family Dentistry has more than 30 years of experience in providing safe, comfortable prenatal dental care. To schedule an appointment, call (859) 278-7434. Visit the practice online to learn more about their services.
