
The basics of driving a car are fairly simple. You press the gas pedal, steer, and pump the brakes to stop. However, the truth is that it takes a lot of parts to make a vehicle work, and if one section malfunctions, you could find yourself stranded. That’s why the car parts specialists at AAW Auto Parts in Pasco, WA, encourage drivers to learn more about how their vehicles run. Understanding the basics of certain parts can help you spot problems before they cause a breakdown.

3 Basic Car Parts to Understand

1. Car Battery

Car batteries provide power to the electrical components in a vehicle. They last anywhere from two to five years. Signs your battery is dying include an engine that’s slow to start, a lit warning light, or a swollen battery case. The technicians at AAW Auto Parts can test your car battery to help you determine if it’s failing.

2. Spark Plugs

car partsSpark plugs send tiny bolts of electricity to the ignition to create the combustion needed to start your car. Weak spark plugs can cause misfires during acceleration and a drop in fuel economy. Signs your spark plugs need replacing include high fuel consumption, lack of acceleration, and an engine that idles roughly.

3. Alternator

An alternator charges your battery and provides power for a vehicle's electrical systems. Sometimes, it’s confusing whether a lack of power is due to a bad alternator or a dying battery, but signs you need a replacement include dim lights, a warning light, a weak battery, and electrical components that flicker or stop working.

Familiarizing yourself with your ride is key to extending its life span. If you find yourself needing any of these car parts, the friendly staff at AAW Auto Parts will be happy to help you find the best ones for your vehicle. Call (509) 547-6000 or visit the company’s website for information on their hours and location.
