
It’s hard not to indulge your sweet tooth from time to time, even though you know it can cause a cavity. Though sweets are loaded with harmful sugars, the dental team at Bradley M. Stewart in Olive Branch, Mississippi, advises that you can still treat yourself if you take the right precautions. Use the tips below to keep your sweet tooth satisfied while also keeping your teeth cavity-free.

3 Tips for Preventing a Cavity If You Have a Sweet Tooth

1. Eat Sweets With a Meal

While sweets are best enjoyed after a meal or on their own, this is when they’re capable of doing the most damage. If you’re going to eat them, the safest way is with a meal. As you eat and drink, your teeth are inadvertently washed. Sugars cause a cavity because they're allowed to stick to teeth and then erode enamel. By eating sweets during a meal, the other foods and drinks will keep sugar from clinging to teeth. This will minimalize potential damage.

2. Brush On the Go

cavity-bradley-m-stewartThe safest way to enjoy sweets is to brush your teeth immediately after. However, this isn’t always possible when you’re out and about. Luckily, there are many easy-to-pack toothbrush and toothpaste sets that easily fit into your pocket. You can usually find them in the travel-sized toiletries section in personal care stores. Taking two minutes after a sweet snack to brush will remove most of the sugar from your teeth, keeping them safe from cavity development.

3. Find Alternatives

A sweet tooth is completely psychological, and the best way to avoid a cavity is to find healthy replacements for it. Many fruits and vegetables will provide the same satisfaction as candy or desserts. While they may not taste the same, you’ll gradually become accustomed to eating a healthier substitute, which will ultimately keep your teeth safe in the long run.

If you’re looking for further advice or cavity treatment, turn to the dental team at Bradley M. Stewart. This family dentist offers a variety of treatments and preventative services and is dedicated to helping patients achieve a bright, healthy smile. Call (662) 893-5800 today to schedule an appointment, and visit their website and Facebook to learn about their cosmetic dentistry services.
