
Braces are an investment in the look and health of your teeth. With an average wear time of 18 months to two years, it’s important to take care of them to ensure they last as long as possible and don’t break or tear off. A big part of that is avoiding certain foods that can damage braces.

Here are the major types of foods to avoid if you want to protect your braces:

  • Crunchy Foods: Foods that are too crunchy can wreak havoc on your braces, causing damage or breakage. Many foods fall into this category, including popcorn, hard candy, nuts, hard bread, corn chips, ice, and raw carrots. If you enjoy crunchy snacks, try popcorn without kernels, cheese puffs, or soft potato chips.
  • bracesSticky Foods: These foods, including caramels, gummy bears, toffee, and candy bars, can cause your wires and brackets to become loose and unstable. They can also stick underneath your braces, making it hard to clean your teeth. Take a break from these sticky items while you have braces and focus on eating healthier foods.
  • Hard Foods: Avoid whole fruit (like apples), meat off the bone, corn on the cob, hamburgers, and hard sandwiches. Raw fruits and vegetables should be cut up, which will make them easier to chew. You can also cook or steam veggies to give them a softer texture, and fruit can be blended into a delicious smoothie or juice. 
  • Chewy Foods: Watch out for foods requiring excessive chewing, such as taffy, bagels, and jerky. These foods can loosen your braces, which will require readjustment and extend your treatment time.
  • Gum: Perhaps the biggest enemy of your braces, gum should be avoided completely. If you want to freshen your breath, try mints, sprays, or strips. Brushing and flossing after each meal will also help keep your mouth clean and fresh.  


The dental professionals at Dansville Family Dental Care in Livingston County, NY, can advise you on all aspects of braces during your orthodontic treatment. Their comprehensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, as well as their friendly staff, will ensure you receive the best care. Visit their website, or call them directly at (585) 335-6170 to schedule an appointment.
