
How do you know when your home has been infested by termites? These small insects tend to burrow into wood, so they are sometimes hard to detect. This is why Dick’s Fumigation Services in Wailuku, HI, encourages connecting with one of their experts. With over 65 years of experience providing the most effective termite treatments in the region, these professionals know what homeowners should look for if they suspect an infestation.

4 Signs You Need a Termite Treatment

Wing Piles

Termite colonies usually start out as winged swarms. These tiny insects emerge from the ground, pair up, and begin to reproduce in a place where food and shelter are available. In many cases, this means entering homes. Since the swarms shed their wings soon after finding a mate, the easiest way to determine whether your home has termites is to look in the basement for piles of discarded material. 

Scattered Sawdust

termite treatments Wailuku HiSawdust is an obvious sign of termite infestation, especially if you haven’t drilled holes or done any construction recently. Walk through the house and inspect your baseboards and door and window frames for signs of pest activity. Finding sawdust you did not create is a sure sign you need a termite treatment.

Interior Damage

In some cases, termite damage goes detected until the walls and ceilings are torn apart during a remodeling project. Treating an infestation can put a huge dent in your budget and could delay your project completion date. Hiring a pest control professional to inspect the whole house before demolition begins can help you avoid this issue.

Exterior Tunnels

Ground termites tend to dig tunnels to their food sources, leaving a series of small holes that are visible to the naked eye. The tunnels are often found along the base of the foundation, indicating the insects have reached your home. If you find a series of tiny openings, contact a local termite treatment professional as soon as possible.

If you believe there is a pest problem in your home, the team at Dick’s Fumigation Services will perform a thorough inspection to diagnose the issue. They have been trained in the latest industry techniques and will provide an effective termite treatment that eliminates the problem. Call (808) 244-7496 or visit their website for more information.
