
While the passing of a loved one is never easy, the process of planning and executing a burial service can provide healing during the grieving process. One of the most important aspects of a cremation is the selection of a gravestone. With so many options, it can be difficult to decide on the perfect one. For this reason, Derrick Monument Company Inc.—a family-owned headstone company in Le Roy, NY—has compiled the following list of pros and cons.

Consider all these options before purchasing a gravestone for your lost loved one:

  • gravestoneGranite: Granite gravestones are a popular choice because of their classic appearance and durability. They can withstand a variety of harsh weather conditions, yet are flexible enough for intricate, carved designs. Because of their popularity, headstone designers like Derrick Monument Company Inc. offer granite monuments at affordable prices. The material also comes in a variety of colors, so the potential for customization is high.
  • Marble: While marble is unbeatable in appearance, it is not as resilient as granite. Marble gravestones must be cleaned on a regular basis. If left too long, debris, dirt, mud, and bird droppings can leave permanent marks on the material. Nevertheless, with proper maintenance, your loved one will be honored with this top-quality piece.
  • Bronze: Bronze grave markers are gleaming, eye-catching, and easy to maintain. They are also highly customizable, as they display birth and death dates on removable plates. If you ever want to add or remove anything from your loved one’s monument, the process will be simple with a bronze gravestone. However, if cost is an issue, bronze may not be the best option for you.

Choosing a headstone for a cremation burial can be challenging. If you need help, reach out to the professionals at Derrick Monument Company Inc. With over a century of experience, they truly care about the families they work with. For more information, visit their website or call (585) 768-8470 today.
