
So, this is our last week talking about toxic dangers for you pets.  Here are some tips you should have picked up along the way this past month:

*keep purses, bags etc. out of reach if any temptations lie within

*cleaners, car fluids, lawn care items etc. should be kept out of reach

*medicines are kept in bottles with secure lids

*not all food is safe for your pet, so be mindful of what you share or drop on the floor

*signs of distress in your pet are drooling, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea

*Liberty Veterinary Hospital is just a call away 513-755-9700

* has more information on toxic dangers in their awareness newsletter

I sure hope that all helps. We all need to work together to keep pets safe and healthy.

If you want even more information on poison control after looking at, you can go to ASPCA’s website at
