
The first major decision you’ll need to make when funeral planning is the choice between burial and cremation services. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so there’s no right choice. You’ll need to educate yourself on both options and decide which is right for you. To help you make this decision, your funeral director at Whitley’s Funeral Home in Kannapolis, NC, has shared the basics of the two options.

Cremation Services

cremation servicesCremation involves burning the body in a special incinerator and giving the ashes back to the family in an urn, or small container. It  provides more flexibility in what you do with the remains. Loved ones can keep the ashes at home in an urn, scatter them somewhere meaningful, or bury them in a small plot. A funeral or memorial service can still be held if you choose to cremate.

Burial Services

For those who prefer the traditional way of putting loved ones to rest, burial is a good option. It is more costly due to needs such as embalming, burial plots, caskets and other factors. However, the burial spot, with a clearly marked grave, is a place family members can visit for generations. Those who have a family plot may prefer to be put to rest with their family members by being buried alongside them.  Some religious groups prefer the natural burial process as well, which might impact your decision.

The staff at Whitley’s Funeral Home can guide you in your funeral arrangements, handling all the difficult aspects of planning and helping you make the best choices for your needs. Visit them online to learn more about their burial and cremation services, then contact them at (704) 933-2222. They are knowledgeable and compassionate, with years of experience to better serve you.
