
Coping with the death of a loved one presents many challenges. When deciding between burial and cremation, you may be faced with uncertainty—if no plans were left to guide you, how do you know you’re fulfilling your loved ones’ wishes? Understanding the difference between these options will help you make an informed decision. 

cremationWhat happens to the body is a significant matter of consideration for many families. During a cremation, the body is reduced to ashes within a period of three to four hours. After the remains cool, they are further reduced to a very fine, sandy consistency. Then, they’re transferred to an urn or, if no urn is provided, a plastic container. During a natural burial, the body is laid to rest in the ground or a mausoleum.

Cremation also provides families with an opportunity to memorialize their loved one at a much later date, if they so choose. Perhaps they’d like to sprinkle the ashes in a place that was special to the deceased or keep the urn somewhere in the home. 

You might also take into account your loved one’s ecological beliefs. If they were particularly conscious of the earth and devoted to doing their part for the planet, cremation is a sensible option you can take comfort in knowing they would approve of.

Another crucial factor is cost, a number that often determines whether a family opts for cremation or burial services. Because there’s no need to purchase a cemetery plot or casket, cremation tends to an affordable approach. 


Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer—discussing the subject with your loved ones and doing your best to honor the deceased is all you can do. Holman-Howe Funeral Homes provides cremation and burial services in Seymour, CO. There, compassionate, experienced professionals are there to guide you every step of the way. For more information, give them a call at (417) 935-2244, or visit their website.
