
If you were injured in an accident that was not your fault and you want to file a claim against the liable party, you may consider doing so without the help of a personal injury lawyer. Although you can pursue compensation on your own, hiring an attorney will actually pay for itself because it may allow you to secure a larger settlement. Below, Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. of Ruidoso, NM, shares a few more benefits of hiring a lawyer to assist with your personal injury case.

Peace of Mind

Personal injury law varies from state to state, and the actual procedure for resolving a claim can even vary from county to county. When you hire a local personal injury lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing you are following all required procedures. If you try to file the claim on your own and you refer to general resources you found online, you may not be following the proper protocol for your particular area.

Courtroom Experience

personal injury lawyerStanding before a judge can be intimidating, even if you are the plaintiff. Although most personal injury cases are resolved before going to trial, there is a chance your case could end up in court. Your personal injury lawyer will help you prepare for the courtroom proceedings if necessary so you can fight for the compensation you deserve in a confident, calm, and collected manner.

An Accurate Assessment of the Damages

It is easy to calculate your medical bills and lost wages, but what about your loss of earning capacity, rehabilitation costs, or pain and suffering? A seasoned attorney will help you calculate all possible damages to ensure you do not agree to a settlement that is less than what you actually deserve.

If you’ve been injured due to another party’s negligence, turn to Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. to pursue compensation from the liable party. Check out his website to learn more about his areas of expertise, and call (575) 257-3070 to schedule an initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer.
