
Foot pain has a number of potential causes, ranging from immediate injury to prolonged stress. However, choosing the right treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. At Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester, New York, their experienced doctors will offer a precise diagnosis for your pain, as well as an effective treatment program.

Here, they discuss the most common reasons people experience foot pain:

  • Foot PainBunions: Wearing tight shoes often leads to the development of bunions. These painful bumps form along the joint that connects the big toe to the rest of the foot. Wearing looser shoes can alleviate some of the foot pain associated with bunions, but for general relief, it’s crucial to seek treatment from an orthopedic doctor.
  • Achilles Tendinitis: Overusing the Achilles tendon—especially if you’re over the age of 40—can have painful consequences. Due to its proximity to the foot, an injury in this area can easily result in heel pain. If you’re actively involved in sports and over 40 years old, do what you can to limit strain on this part of your body.
  • Plantar Fasciitis: The plantar ligament connects your heel to your toes. If you strain it, you may notice foot pain early in the morning, when you first start walking. Throughout the day, the pain should diminish. Wearing shoes that fit poorly or being overweight can exacerbate this condition.
  • Stress Fractures: If you’ve put consistent strain on the bones of your feet, or if your feet bones have been weakened due to conditions like osteoporosis, small stress fractures may develop. Because patients don’t always experience immediate pain when a stress fracture forms, they may not realize anything is wrong until weeks later.
  • Osteoarthritis: As you age, you may be more prone to osteoarthritis, which commonly affects the feet. If you’ve been experiencing pain in this area, get in touch with a specialist to find out if further treatment is necessary.

If you notice pain in one or both of your feet, turn to a reputable doctor for help as soon as possible. At New York’s Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester, you’ll be in the hands of qualified professionals who will offer individualized treatment for your pain. Visit them online for more information, or call (585) 723­-3000.
