
Owning a dog is a joy, but it comes with occasional challenges. High on that list is tackling flea removal. If you find a flea on your furry friend, there’s a good chance others have made themselves at home inside and outside your house. What’s the best way to handle such a stubborn problem? Ty-D-Paws Express, the leading pet grooming place in Lincoln, NE, recommends a multifaceted approach.

3 Ways to Manage Flea Removal

1. Indoors

Give your house a thorough cleaning. Sweep all the carpets, taking care not to miss corners or areas around furniture legs and below curtains. Then vacuum the furniture, including beds and both sides of sofa cushions and pillows if your dog spends a lot of time on them. When you’re finished, empty the contents of your vacuum into a plastic bag, close it tightly, and throw it away.

2. Outdoors

Keep your yard as well manicured as possible. Mow the lawn, trim bushes, and keep weeds under control. Overgrown areas are excellent hiding spots for pesky insects and can make your flea removal goals more difficult if your dog spends a lot of time outside. You also can spread nematodes — small roundworms — around your yard to kill the fleas, especially in shaded areas.

3. On Your Dog

Lincoln, NE flea removalFlea control for your pet also is an opportunity to give them a few dog grooming treatments. Run a flea comb gently through their hair as they stand on a light-colored towel so you can observe whether insects drop off. Be sure to dispose of the towel or wash it immediately afterward. A nice bath using a flea-repelling shampoo also will deter the pests; just remember the cleanser must stay on your dog’s body for 10 minutes.

Once you’ve eliminated the fleas, your next step is preventing them from returning. Maintain your home, yard, and dog grooming routines, all of which will keep your environment pest-free. If your dog needs extra love and care, call the grooming professionals at Ty-D-Paws Express in Lincoln, NE, at (402) 405-3999 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website to learn more about their services, including dog haircuts.
