
When you envision the perfect outdoor space, what do you see? One of the most innovative ways to transform your home both inside and outside is to invest in a sunroom installation. This bright idea creates a cohesive connection between your patio and your home. If you’re in Northern California and want to take advantage of that beautiful sunshine, the team at Patio Designers can help.

Why a Sunroom Installation Is a Great Investment

1. Enjoy the Great Outdoors Anytime

On the rare occasion that it’s pouring rain or simply too cold for you to comfortably step outside onto the patio, a sunroom provides you with an easy and protective way to soak up the ambiance and get some natural light at the same time. There’s some freedom involved in having the luxury of stepping “outside” without getting wet.

2. Save Some Money

Northern CA sunroom installationChances are you’ll be delighted with your sunroom installation and want to spend as much time as possible in that relaxing environment—which translates into energy savings, too. The more time you spend in your sunroom, the less time you’re spending inside with the lights turned on and the air conditioner on full blast. A sunroom has plenty of natural light and certainly doesn’t require more.

3. Get Some Essential Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” and it’s also something that many people severely lack. If you don’t spend much time outside or have a family member who is ill and could benefit from a little boost, some time in the sunroom could make a world of difference. Sunlight has been thought to improve moods and may even boost the immune system.

A sunroom installation is a smart choice for homeowners who want to make a lasting investment in their living space and spend some more quality time in the California sunshine. If you’re ready to make the change, get in touch with Patio Designers today. Visit the patio design company’s website or call (916) 371-7646.
