
Your eyes are your windows to the world, so it’s important to take care of them. Although an annual exam is sufficient for most people, you sometimes need to seek emergency eye treatment. But how do you determine whether your condition is urgent? The eye doctors at Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY, want to help you protect your eye health and explain how to determine whether your condition is a crisis.

3 Symptoms That Require Emergency Eye Treatment


If you have significant discomfort or experienced eye trauma, schedule an exam by an ophthalmologist immediately. While the problem might seem minor, even small injuries can lead to severe problems. 

Swelling or Redness

Emergency eye treatment Portsmouth OHRedness or swelling could result from a temporary problem like dryness or a dust particle in the eye. However, if the issue persists, it can indicate an injury, infection, or disease, so it’s best to see an eye doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms also might signify you have an allergy that could affect your overall health. 

Vision Changes

Report any significant differences in your eyesight to a health care professional immediately. If your vision suddenly becomes blurry, it could indicate you have a severe issue like diabetes or a stroke. If you notice flashing, floaters — small, shadowlike specks — or a dramatic change in your peripheral vision, you might have an acute retinal disease that requires emergency eye treatment.

If you’re having a problem with your eyes, whether it’s a bit of redness,  an impact during a sports competition, or a sudden change in your vision, call a professional. They will examine your eyes, diagnose the problem, and preserve your vision. If you suspect you have an eye disease or another ocular issue, call Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY, at (606) 324-2451 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website to learn about their services and fill out a new patient form, and like them on Facebook for more eye care tips.
