
If your kids dentist removes wisdom teeth, you may wonder how early your child can receive an extraction. Many dentists and their patients prefer to take wisdom teeth out as early as possible, which can make teeth easier to remove, minimize recovery time, and reduce the risk of infection. Discovery Dental performs wisdom teeth extractions on children and young adults. They explain how early you can take action and why it is important. 

Kids Dentist’s Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction

While each patient is unique, your dentist will likely notice signs of Eagle-River-Wisdom-Teethwisdom teeth under your child’s gums between 14-18 years of age. It is not likely they will receive them earlier than 14, though they may receive them anytime thereafter. They are typically discovered during an X-ray or upon physical examination. Once they are spotted, it is important to discuss the condition of the teeth and if removal is appropriate.

Many appointments for extraction will be scheduled immediately, while some pediatric dentists will monitor the tooth and wait to extract it until the tooth is larger or closer to the gum line. No matter what age your child receives their wisdom teeth, it is ideal to remove the tooth before the root fully matures, making detachment easier. 

If your child does not receive their wisdom teeth before they reach the age of 18, this is normal. Molars can arrive well after 24 years of age, which means your pediatric dentist may never perform an extraction. Whether your child receives their wisdom teeth before 18 or not, regular checkups from their dentist will ensure that the progress of their molar growth is monitored and that their teeth and gums are healthy. 

To discuss wisdom teeth removal with a kids dentist, call Discovery Dental in Eagle River, AK at (907) 622-5437. For more information about their laser frenectomies and teeth cleaning services for children, visit their website
